Department of Human Development and Family Studies
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Article 1. Authority
These Bylaws derive their authority from the Statutes of the University of Illinois, which state that the governance of each academic unit shall be based on Bylaws established and amended by the faculty of that unit. The Bylaws of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies are an extension of the University Statutes. As such, they must be in accordance with these Statutes, as well as the Bylaws of the College of ACES. In case of any perceived conflict, the Statutes and the College Bylaws must prevail.
Article 2. Mission
The mission of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) is to address contemporary social issues that affect children, youth, adults, and families through high quality research, teaching, and outreach programs. Our Department is united by a shared value of diverse cultures, communities, and family structures. We promote the health and wellbeing of individuals and families in changing societal contexts through state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative research methods, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research collaborations, and innovative community engagement efforts grounded in evidence. Through premier undergraduate and graduate programs, we are committed to recruiting and training the next generation of leaders, scholars, and educators to address the needs of individuals and families in a changing society.
Article 3. Faculty Role in Governance
As the responsible body in the teaching, research, and outreach/public engagement activities of the University, the faculty has inherent interests and rights in academic policy and governance. Each college or other academic unit shall be governed in its internal administration by its faculty. Governance of each academic unit shall be based on unit Bylaws established and amended by the faculty of that unit. The Bylaws shall provide for the administrative organization and procedure of the unit, including the composition and tenure of executive or advisory committees (University Statutes, 2013)./span>
Article 4. Membership of the Department
Section 1. Faculty
The faculty shall include all persons in the Department with the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor who are tenured or are receiving probationary credit toward tenure and hold at least a 25 percent salaried appointment within the Department. The faculty shall also include persons in non-tenured specialized faculty positions (teaching associates; instructors; lecturers; teaching, research, and clinical professors) of all ranks who hold at least a 50 percent salaried appointment within the Department. Faculty so defined have voting privileges and are also referred to below as “voting eligible.”
Emeritus, specialized faculty (including all specialized faculty appointed as visiting or adjunct), and joint appointees of all ranks not meeting the conditions stated above shall be non-voting members of the faculty in the Department.
Section 2. Academic and Other Staff
The Academic Staff consists of members of the teaching, research, and extension staffs. It includes members of the faculty, those on academic professional appointments and graduate assistants (students).
Staff is used in the broadest terms to include all departmental employees of all ranks who, on the recommendation of the Head, are appointed or assigned to the department.
Article 5. Organization of the Department
Section 1. Head of the Department
The chief executive officer of the Department shall be the Head. The Head shall have those powers and duties given by the University Statutes and other such powers and duties granted by the faculty in these Bylaws. The Head will be responsive to the collective judgment of the faculty, obtained through meetings of the faculty and the Department Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC). The Head may name associate heads, assistant heads, and/or directors as appropriate with the advice of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee
Article 6. Faculty Meetings
The Department faculty shall meet at least twice during each semester of the academic year. Meetings shall be called by the Head. Meetings may also be called by the faculty upon receipt of a written or electronic request from at least five faculty members. Such meetings shall be held within two weeks of the date of receipt of the request by the Head. All meetings will be open to the public except when permitted by University Statutes, College Bylaws, or by these Bylaws.
A draft of faculty meeting agendas shall be distributed to the faculty at least five days prior to each meeting. At least 50 percent of the faculty members in the Department must be present at any properly called meeting to constitute a quorum. There shall be no voting by proxy. Voting that takes place at faculty meetings shall be by secret ballot when requested by one faculty member. A mail or electronic (email or online survey) ballot may be used for voting. Abbreviated minutes shall be distributed to the faculty after each meeting.<
At all faculty meetings, Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition) shall apply to the extent that its provisions are consistent with University Statutes and these Bylaws.
Article 7. Committees
Section 1. Department Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC)
The Department Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC) shall consist of five voting-eligible faculty members, with each member holding a two-year term, except the assistant professor who will hold a one-year term and any elected specialized faculty who will hold a one-year term. At least one assistant professor, one associate professor, and one professor from among the tenure-track voting-eligible faculty must serve on the Department Faculty Advisory Committee. The other two members will be elected at large from among the voting-eligible faculty. Members of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee shall be elected by May 15 each year by the voting faculty. Faculty may be elected to a maximum of two consecutive terms on the Department Faculty Advisory Committee. If a member is unable to serve out a term (due to sabbatical, leave, or other reasons) the Election Committee will either identify the person with the next highest number of votes in the most recent election to complete the term, or will conduct a new election. The chair of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee shall be selected by the committee members at their first meeting. The Department Faculty Advisory Committee shall establish its operating procedures at its first meeting of the academic year. The Head shall serve as a non-voting member.
The purpose of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee is to offer advice to the Head, by invitation or on its own initiative, on policies affecting the welfare of the Department. The functions of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee are to (1) provide for the orderly voicing of suggestions for the good of the Department, (2) recommend procedures that will encourage faculty participation in formulating policy, and (3) perform other tasks assigned to it by the Department Head or brought forward by the faculty.
The Department Faculty Advisory Committee shall meet at the call of the Department Head, the Department Faculty Advisory Committee chair, or two members of the committee. Three faculty members shall constitute a quorum. A list of items discussed at each Department Faculty Advisory Committee meeting and the actions taken will be reported to the faculty at the departmental meetings. The Department Faculty Advisory Committee shall hold meetings open to the Department faculty, but may close a meeting if, in the judgement of the committee, an open meeting may adversely affect the discussion of an item. Faculty members who visit an open meeting of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee may speak at the pleasure of the committee. Any faculty member shall be entitled to a conference with the Department Faculty Advisory Committee or with any member of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee on any matter properly within the purview of the committee. When the Department Faculty Advisory Committee is in closed session to evaluate the Head's performance, only elected members shall be present.
Section 2. Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall consist of five tenured faculty members appointed by the Head. Members of the committee shall serve two-year staggered terms, with the committee chair appointed annually by the Head. If a member is unable to serve out a term (due to sabbatical, leave, or other reason), the Head shall appoint another tenured faculty member to complete that term. The chair of the committee shall forward recommendations to the Head. The Head shall communicate recommendations of the committee to the faculty members whose promotion and/or tenure is considered by the committee, as well as to the College of ACES administration. The committee shall have broad powers to consult with appropriate faculty members and others on matters concerning the evaluation of faculty members for promotion and/or tenure. In the case of promotion of specialized faculty, the Head will appoint an appropriately-ranked specialized faculty member (from among the voting-eligible specialized faculty) to serve as an additional member on the Promotion and Tenure committee; if there is no one in the department at the appropriate rank, the Head may appoint an appropriately-ranked specialized faculty member from another department.
The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall review the performance of faculty in probationary status as required by University Statutes. As per University policy, during the third year of a faculty member’s probationary period, a formal review of his or her progress toward tenure shall be made by the Promotion and Tenure Committee and shared with the Head. The results of this review shall be communicated in writing to the faculty member by the Head.
The Promotion and Tenure Committee also shall make recommendations to the Head regarding the promotion and tenure of tenure-eligible faculty and the promotion of non-tenured specialized faculty. Faculty members being considered for promotion and/or tenure shall not serve on the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee. Associate professors on the Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be concerned with promotion and tenure of faculty being considered for the rank of associate professor and with the promotion of any specialized faculty below the rank of modified professor. Professors on the committee shall be concerned with promotion and tenure for all faculty ranks and promotion for all specialized faculty. Specialized faculty on the committee will be concerned only with promotion of specialized faculty of same or lower rank. Review of specialized faculty and tenured associate professors as candidates for promotion may be initiated by the committee, the Head, or the candidate
Votes by the Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be by secret ballot. The Department Head attends the Promotion and Tenure Committee meetings to gather insight and information from the Committee’s discussion./p>
Section 3. Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee shall consist of three tenured or tenure-eligible faculty members elected annually. No member of the DFAC shall serve on the Grievance Committee. No member of the Promotion and Tenure Committee shall serve on the Grievance Committee when a grievance is made regarding a promotion. Elected alternates shall serve if regular members become disqualified or are unable to serve. The committee shall elect its own chair from among the faculty members. Any possible bias that merits disqualification from a case shall be presented to the committee chair in writing before proceeding with the grievance.
One specialized faculty member (who has voting privileges) elected by specialized faculty in the Department shall serve as a member of the committee only in cases involving a specialized faculty grievance and at the option of the person bringing the grievance to the committee. In the event that there are not enough specialized faculty to serve, the person bringing the grievance may request that specialized faculty from another department be appointed by the Chair of the Grievance Committee.
Two graduate students elected by the graduate students in the Department shall serve as members of the committee only in cases involving a graduate student grievance and at the option of the student bringing the grievance to the committee. Two undergraduate students shall be selected by the members of the Undergraduate Committee to serve on the Grievance Committee only in cases involving an undergraduate student grievance and at the option of the student bringing the grievance to the committee.
The responsibility of this committee shall be to consider any grievance brought to it by any faculty member, postdoctoral research associate, or student (undergraduate or graduate). The grievant is expected to explore whatever other methods may be available within the Department before bringing a grievance to the committee. It is strongly suggested that the grievant first try to settle the problem with the person or group against whom the grievance is being made. If settling the problem in that fashion is not possible, faculty and postdocs are encouraged to discuss the issue with the Head of the Department, a member of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee, or the Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences to arrive at a solution before turning to the Grievance Committee; students are encouraged to discuss the issue with the HDFS Academic Advisor, Director of Undergraduate Programs, Director of Graduate Studies, and/or the Department Head to arrive at a solution before turning to the Grievance Committee.
When presented with a grievance, the Committee shall make a preliminary determination whether or not the matter is within its scope; cases of academic misconduct or sexual harassment or discrimination which are handled under defined campus policies shall not be considered by the Committee. The Committee shall report this determination in writing to the grievant. If a grievance is judged by the Committee to be within its scope, the Committee shall make an investigation consistent with guidelines of University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign campus, the Graduate College, and the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (e.g., maintain confidentiality of all involved in as much as possible, pursue timely action).
Section 4. Undergraduate Committee
The Undergraduate Committee shall consist of the undergraduate Academic Advisor, the Director of Undergraduate Programs, and the Department Head. The committee will address the following areas as they relate to the undergraduate program: awards and scholarships; course marketing, enrollment, and development (e.g., cross-listings); recruitment and admissions; student enrichment opportunities and program quality; student learning outcomes; exploration of avenues for revenue generation; and other student-related policies and issues (e.g., individual student needs, conflicts). The committee will consult with others (e.g., faculty, students) as needed.
With regard to undergraduate courses and curriculum, the Undergraduate Committee shall:
- initiate, coordinate, and review course proposals (including cross-listings); and
- share new course curriculum recommendations with the department faculty for review and vote.
The Undergraduate Academic Advisor shall submit proposed courses (or course changes) and documentation to the College Courses and Curriculum Committee; and shall monitor the progress of course submissions to the College Courses and Curriculum Committee.
Section 5. Graduate Committee
The Graduate committee shall consist of the Director of Graduate Studies; at least two voting-eligible faculty members appointed by the Head in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies; and a graduate student selected by the GSO. Aside from the Director of Graduate Studies, faculty members on the committee shall serve two-year staggered terms and the graduate student member shall serve a one-year term. The Director of Graduate Studies will chair the Graduate Committee.
With regard to graduate courses and curriculum, the Graduate Committee shall:
- initiate, coordinate, and review course proposals (including cross-listings); and
- share new course curriculum recommendations with the department faculty for review and vote.
The Director of Graduate Studies shall submit proposed courses (or course changes) and documentation to the College Courses and Curriculum Committee; and shall monitor the progress of course submissions to the College Courses and Curriculum Committee.
The Graduate Committee will also consider policies and procedures that address the needs of graduate students in the Department. In addition, committee members will provide input and assistance on issues identified by the Director of Graduate Studies (e.g., recruitment, website updates, identification of fellowship opportunities).
Section 6. Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC)
The Inclusion and Diversity Committee shall consist of the Faculty Chair, Faculty Chair-Elect and one Staff Representative (i.e., academic professional or civil service employee) elected annually by faculty and staff; two graduate students elected annually by the GSO; and two undergraduate students, who must be HDFS majors and at least sophomore standing, selected annually by the IDC committee through an application process. The Faculty Chair and Chair-Elect will serve two-year staggered terms, and the Staff, Graduate Student, and Undergraduate Student Representatives will serve one-year terms. If a Faculty Chair, Staff Representative, or Graduate Student Representative is unable to serve out a term, the faculty or graduate student with the next highest number of votes in the most recent election will be selected to complete the term. If an Undergraduate Student Representative is unable to serve out a term, the committee will recruit another undergraduate student from the most recent set of applications. Non-elected, Active Committee Members may consist of all faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students who participate in at least one ad-hoc sub-committee focused on a committee initiative.
The Inclusion and Diversity Committee will support diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts in all aspects of the department; create and maintain a space for discussing and thinking about diversity, inclusion, and equity issues; mobilize efforts and resources for establishing and maintaining an inclusive climate and equitable policies in the department; and mobilize efforts and resources for responding to incidents and issues related to diversity, inclusion and equity on campus and within the department.
The Inclusion and Diversity Committee shall meet at least three times a semester to plan initiatives or have committee activities, and these meetings are open to all HDFS faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students.
Section 7. Other Committees
Other committees may be appointed by the Head, in consultation with the Department Faculty Advisory Committee, on an ad hoc basis as the need arises.
Article 8. Elections
The Head shall annually appoint a two-person faculty committee from among the voting-eligible faculty to conduct all elections in the Department with the assistance of the Department Head Secretary. Elections shall be by secret ballot conducted in person or electronically.
A two-staged process shall be used for Senate elections, with a preliminary nomination ballot containing the names of all those eligible to vote in the unit who have expressed a willingness to serve, followed by an election ballot containing the names of those who received the highest number of nominating votes and who are willing to serve. The nominee(s) receiving the highest number of votes on the election ballot shall be deemed elected. If the number of faculty members on the nomination ballot is exactly equal to the number of senators to be elected, an election does not need to be held and those nominated and willing to serve will be automatically elected.
Departmental and College committee elections shall consist of a one-stage process, with the ballot consisting of a list of all eligible faculty who indicate on the Committee Self-Nomination Form that they are willing to serve.
Regular elections will normally be held in the spring semester, with the terms of the newly elected members beginning the start of the next academic year (August 16). Terms of the newly appointed members of the Promotion & Tenure Committee will begin January 15 and will end on December 15.
If a vacancy on an elected committee occurs prior to completion of a term, the person who received the next highest number of votes in the most recent election and who is eligible and willing to serve will complete the term; or, if needed, a special election will be held.
Tied votes shall be decided by the Head.
Article 9. Amendments
Proposed changes in these Bylaws may be initiated by the Head, the Department Faculty Advisory Committee, or upon petition of the voting faculty. At least two weeks notice shall be given for a meeting of the faculty to consider proposed amendments. This notice shall include the exact wording of the amendment proposed. Proposed amendments may be amended from the floor at the meeting by a two-thirds majority vote.
Final ratification of a proposed amendment to the Bylaws shall be by secret ballot conducted in person or electronically. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the ballots returned within two weeks after distribution shall be required for ratification. The Elections Committee shall oversee this process.
Final May 29, 2020